Flow cytometry softwares

How to analyze your high-dimensional data-acquisition in
Flow Cytometry?

The combination of Kaluza and Cytobank offers you the easiest solution to prepare your data and to analyze them without special programming knowledge.


 Kaluza Analysis Software offers easy to use real-time data exploration tools and supports QC tracking with a dedicated module. Different data visualization tools support the exploration of low to medium complexity data. Data reporting functionality enables the rapid generation of summary results.

  • Loads any FCS compliant file through standard 3.1
  • Real-time processing of multi-color files of up to 20 million events
  • Innovative interface with workflow and ease of use as top priorities

Combine Kaluza & Cytobank
Move compensated, transformed, and anonymized data sets to the Cytobank Cloud Platform with the Kaluza Cytobank Plugin 

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Flow CYtometry Software Cytobank


Advance your high-dimensional single cell data analysis

Cytobank is a cloud-based analysis platform with integrated machine learning based analysis algorithms, as well as a structured and secure content management system for flow cytometry and other single cell data. Cytobank provides a quick overview of your results, identifying statistically relevant differences between samples, everything within your analysis software.
Cytobank’s clustering, dimensionality reduction, and visualization tools (SPADE, viSNE, CITRUS, FlowSOM) leverage the scalable compute and collaborative power of the cloud, allowing large analyses to be done quickly. The cloud-based storage provides the capability to automatically archive and easily share these data securely and safely. 

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